Upcoming Programs
We're currently in the process of planning a variety of programs in 2025 - we're hoping to host experiences like candle making workshops, flower pressing, tree identification and more! Check back in soon for updates or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when programs are scheduled.
Earth Day Silent Auction
Join us for our Earth Day Silent Auction! Proceeds will go towards supporting the land and animals, as well as the development of fun, educational and affordable programming. We have some great items on the list again this year, so save the dates!
Dates: Saturday, March 1st - Viewing begins
Tuesday, April 8th - Bidding opens
Tuesday, April 22nd - Bidding closes
Days of Quiet Prayer
We welcome you to spend a day in quiet reflection at Mercy Ecospirituality Center. With your own private room and beautiful grounds to walk, you can pray, contemplate, read and relax without being disturbed. The day will begin at 9:30am with an optional prayer led by a Sister of Mercy. A simple, nourishing lunch of soup and homemade bread is included.
Dates: We are offering five days of intentional prayer throughout 2025, listed below.
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: $30
To register, please click through the links below to be taken to our Eventbrite page.
Wednesday, May 14th
Wednesday, June 18th
Wednesday, July 16th
Wednesday, August 13th
Wednesday, September 17th
Seasonal Forest Bathing
Join us for our seasonal forest bathing series! Whether you come for one session or for all, each is designed to deepen our relationship with ourselves and with the more-than-human beings who share our common home. Throughout our brief time together, you will be encouraged to open your senses, physical and intuitive alike, and to feel how being immersed in the forest reconnects us to the spirit of the divine.
Please bring a journal and writing utensil, as there will be time for reflection and sharing after we walk. Tea and light refreshments are included.
Dates: We offer four seasonal sessions throughout 2025, listed below.
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Cost: $20
To register, please click through the links below to be taken to our Eventbrite page.
Spring Session - Saturday, April 26th
Summer Session - Saturday, July 19th
Fall Sesson - Saturday, October 11th
Winter Session - Saturday, December 6th
Celebrating Creation: Being Alive in the Glory
This weekend retreat is for those who want to celebrate with the Holy One alive in all creation. You are invited to take time to relax, to revel in the wonder of creation and the awe of the cosmos; to enter into the mystery and message of divine love that creation gives us. Each day of this weekend retreat will offer a reflective presentation featuring the art of Marion Honors, CSJ, as well as prayer, creative response, music, dance and poetry, with time for being and re-creating. All hospitality and meals are included.
Dates: Friday, September 19th 4:30pm -
Sunday, September 21st 1:00pm
Facilitator: Sister Linda Neil, CSJ
Cost: $300
Registration: Opening soon!
Soul Collage & Family Constellations
SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice that gives form to the wild wisdom and diversity of each maker’s soul, using simple methods and collage materials. Founded by Seena Frost, SoulCollage® is a global community of makers, facilitators, and communities who gather to make, consult, and share their cards. You are welcome to bring your own materials, but materials will be provided.
This Soul Collage retreat will be blended with a Family Constellations practice, first proposed by German therapist and ex-priest Bert Hellinger, which offers tools for recognizing the loyalties and legacies within our family systems, to release unneeded burdens and restore the flow of love between generations and individuals.
Dates: Friday, October 24th 4:30pm -
Sunday, October 26th 1:00pm
Facilitator: Julie Püttgen, Somatic & Expressive Arts Therapist
Cost: TBD
Registration: TBD
Simple Cheese Making Workshop
Have you ever wanted to make cheese at home, but weren't quite sure how to get started? Julie Danew from Danz Ahn Dairy has been making cheese for years and she is going to share just how simple the process is! Gather with us at Mercy Ecospirituality Center for a fun and interactive workshop, followed by a special spice pairing and a full lunch that celebrates the cheese we make that morning.
Space is limited, so advanced registration is recommended. Ingredients, materials, lunch and educational resources are included with your ticket.
Dates: Saturday, November 1st 10:00am - 1:00pm
Facilitator: Julie Danyew from Danz Ahn Dairy
Cost: $40
Registration: Click Here!
Immersions and Alternative Breaks for Student Groups
Our trusted staff members are available for program building and/or retreat hosting year round. We welcome student groups for service learning opportunities - from earth-based educational programs and reflection, to hands-on work out on the land and with the animals. Email us at [email protected] for more information!
Sign up for our newsletter to receive news of our upcoming programs and to keep up to date with of the happenings at the farm.